Mediataideanimaatiot • Media art animations

Previews of & more about Rossi's media artworks in Distribution Center of Finnish Media Art, AV-Arkki

The study of change and passage of time, giving visual form for slow process or magical metamorphose, is characteristic for Rossi’s media art. Her videos are often silent or minimalistic of their sound world. The works are short, more like living paintings: the endurance of the loop is around one minute, not more than two.

Flow_19_2.jpgFlow_19_1.jpgNEWS 2019: Rossi was Flow Art 2019 Artist at the Flow Festival Helsinki! Rossi's media artworks The Marriage and Goodbye Shadowy will be presented in the Flow Festival area.
   •  Vappu Rossi & Hanna Saarikoski interviewed by Frame Contemporary Art Finland on media art in Flow Festival Helsinki
   •  Rossin radiohaastattelu YLE 8.8.2019, aiheena ajankohtaiset näyttelyt, mm. Flow-festivaalien mediateokset sekä Galleria Rankan ja Nastolan näyttelyt. Vappu Rossi's radio interview in YLE 
   •  Flow Festival on myös mediataiteen juhlaa, Taiteilija magazine 11.8.2019, Vappu Rossi's & Hanna Saarikoski's interview on media art at the Flow Festival

Visual_Overture_Vappu_Rossi.jpgNEWS 2018: Rossi's media artwork Kiss presented on the biggest digital screen in the entire Nordic region, Helsinki Music Centre media wall, in October 2018. The Visual Overture series will present a new video installation each month right before the start of the Helsinki Philharmonic Orhestra's concerts. The project is cooperation of the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra and AV-Arkki the Distribution Centre for Finnish Media Art.

Rossin mediataideanimaatio Suudelma esitetään Helsingin kaupunginorkesterin konserttien "visuaalisena alkusoittona" Musiikkitalon mediaseinällä lokakuussa. Teos pyörii looppina ja vaihtuu kuukausittain, Suudelma on näkyvillä 5.,10.,11.,19.,24. ja 25.10. klo 18.30-18.40! Yhteistyössä: KiasmaAV-arkki ja Helsingin kaupunginorkesteri.

Vappu Rossi / Filmografia / Filmography


Avioliitto / The Marriage, 2014-2015

Installation loop 00:12:13, 16:9, silent / Single channel 00:06:32, silent.
Preview & installation photos on the Distribution Center of Finnish Media Art, AV-Arkki


Carbon Based Love, 2014.

00:05:38, 16:9, stereo.
Preview & still photos on the Distribution Center of Finnish Media Art, AV-Arkki



Hyvästi, varjoinen / Farväl, beskuggade / Goodbye Shadowy, 2012-13.

Installation loop 00:01:42 / Single channel 00:01:58, stereo.

Preview & installation photos on the Distribution Center of Finnish Media Art, AV-Arkki

Goodbye Shadowy combines stop motion and time lapse animation. In the pale light of February you can see the shadow of a living and evolving animal mobile. As the light moves, the development and growth of different animals can be seen. The wistful but humorous film shows the passage of light during the day, from dusk till dawn.

Lisää teoksesta / More about the work


Elämän puu / Livets träd / Tree of Life, 2009. Loop 1’55”, silent.

Preview, still photos, installation photos and synopsis on the Distribution Center of Finnish Media Art, AV-Arkki

Lue artikkeli teoksen taustoista (teksti Aino Multanen, Tuusulan taidemuseo)





Hetkellinen / Flyktig / Ephemeral, 2009. Media installation. Loop 1’37”, silent.

Synopsis, still photos and installation photos in Distribution Center of Finnish Media Art, AV-Arkki

Preview on the Distribution Center of Finnish Media Art, AV-Arkki

Lue artikkeli teoksen taustoista (teksti Päivi Ahdeoja, Tuusulan taidemuseo)





Kotiutuminen / Att känna sig hemma / Settling in 2009. 1’07”, silent.

The preview on the Distribution Center of Finnish Media Art, AV-Arkki
Teoksen preview AV-arkin sivulla






Suudelma / Kyssen / The Kiss, 2007. Loop 54", silent.

The preview on the Distribution Center of Finnish Media Art, AV-Arkki
Teoksen preview AV-arkin sivulla





Puu / Träd / Tree, 2005. 8mm filmi / 8mm film.





Läpi metsänpeiton / Genom skogstäcket / Trough the Blanket of the Forest, 2005. 8mm filmi / 8mm film.
See the animation here





Nuku nuku nurmilintu / Sov du lilla videung / Rock-a-Bye Baby, 2005. 8mm filmi / 8mm film.
See the animation here





Aamuvarhain / Tidig morgon / Early in the morning, 2005. 8mm filmi / 8mm film.
See the animation here





Paikka missä enkelit syntyvät / Platsen där änglarna föds / The Place Where Angels Are Born, 2005. 8mm filmi / 8mm film.





Kasvu (Luonteva hiljaisuus) / Växt (Naturlig stillhet) / Growth (Natural Silence), 2005. 8mm filmi / 8mm film. 1'00", silent.